Get out of debt with a debt counsellor and debt review!

Get out of debt with a debt counsellor and debt review!


Getting out of debt is very difficult. We will discuss and examine how a debt counsellor and debt review can assist you in getting out of debt. Perhaps we should start this conversation with a music reference. Have you ever heard the song “The Debt I Owe” by American musician Woody Guthrie? Being in debt can be a very overwhelming experience. You can feel as if you are drowning in it.

Specifically, the song contains a section that speaks volumes about the situation: “Every day, several times a day, a thought comes over me that I owe more debts than I ever can pay back, more money than I will ever see.”

A drowning debt situation has led to so much confusion about where one can turn for help and what one should do about it. There is also the possibility that many might feel a deep sense of guilt and shame about how their finances ended up in a mess in the first place.

As the song progresses, there is a point where the songwriter feels lost and drowning in his debts. Sadly, this is the case for many South Africans facing a dire financial crisis. 

As adults, we had to figure things out on our own because most of us did not receive any education about financial literacy in school. As a result, we had to figure things out on our own through trial and error. Most consumers feel overwhelmed when they must deal with their ailing finances.

When it comes to keeping your finances in order, it may be in your best interest to seek professional and legal assistance, especially if you’re suffering from spiraling debts that are out of control. That is a suitable time for you to investigate engaging a registered professional who can offer you debt counselling or debt review.

Debt Review, sometimes also known as debt counselling, is designed to assist consumers who might be having difficulties managing their finances. In addition to debt counselling, this professional can help you with budgeting advice, advice on home buying, and even bankruptcy. You can benefit from seeking advice from a certified financial professional when you encounter difficulties managing your money.

How do you know if it is worthwhile for you to use the support and advice of a debt counsellor? To determine if their services are right for you, you need to understand how they function. Let us delve into how to get out of debt with a debt counsellor and debt review.

Why should you contact a debt counsellor?

The question now is, what would the support look like for you? If you are trying to improve your financial situation, a debt counsellor can offer you a lot of help. Whether through negotiating directly with your creditors or even offering budgeting advice, providing immediate financial relief, assisting you with possible repossessions, or simply having an empathetic ear, your counsellor can help you immensely.

First and foremost, they have extraordinarily high empathy for your financial predicament mainly because most deal with this particular situation daily. The good news is that a knowledgeable and experienced debt counsellor will also discuss your options with you, and thanks to the National Credit Act, you have a wide range of resources available.

What does a debt counsellor do?

When you are in the process of working with a registered debt counsellor, this professional will be able to assist you with several things. At Credit Salvage, we offer the following services to our clients:

  • Our debt counsellors devise a realistic budget to cover your living expenses. We will review your income and amounts owed and create a realistic budget for you. Our debt counsellors will usually schedule a private session with you at the beginning of the process. The counsellors at our company understand that consumers feel vulnerable and even embarrassed when they share their financial issues and budget with somebody. When dealing with your finances, ensure you only trust in the right company. Our firm is precisely that. We have not started this business to judge but to help consumers professionally and confidentially.
  • Restructuring financial management plans. A restructuring management plan allows you to simplify and consolidate all your account payments while potentially lowering interest rates and fees. Each month, you make a single reduced contribution to your creditors, and our assigned payment distribution agency (PDA) distributes the payment among your creditors. These distributions will be strictly following the proposal of the debt counsellor. A debt counsellor can assist you with the restructuring procedure when you are having trouble dealing with all your accounts.
  • The prevention of foreclosures. If you intend to skip payments on your bond or have already missed several payments, you may want to speak with one of our restructuring counsellors about foreclosure prevention options. That will include the process of restructuring your mortgage payments.
  • The prevention of car repossessions. You can meet with our debt counsellors to discuss options to prevent car repossession if you are in danger of falling behind on your car payments or have already done so.
  • We help you become more financially literate: We offer guidance on account management, money management, and how to deal with unscrupulous collectors. Our main goal is to help you find the right balance between paying off all creditors and covering living expenses. In addition to this, we also offer a variety of free financial education tools to our clients, including but not limited to budgeting templates, credit score guides, and of course, various other financial instruments.
  • A debt counsellor will be there every step of the way to help you pay off your outstanding balances with creditors. One of the most valuable yet underrated services of a restructuring counsellor is that they will always be there for you when it comes to paying off substantial amounts of debt that you may be experiencing. We will provide advice, keep you motivated, and deal with creditors directly on your behalf so that you do not have to.
  • Our team diligently works on your credit reportAs part of an account restructuring process, you may want to work on improving your credit scores. Our debt counsellors can assist you with this by reviewing your credit reports and explaining how it affects your credit report and score, as well as providing tailored, personalized advice and tips. 

Debt Counsellor and debt review infographic 

How Can I Find a Reputable and registered debt counsellor? 

It is generally the case that most debt review companies work with clients in a specific city or area, whereas some companies provide services nationwide. Your consultant can be reached online, by phone, by email, or in person.

It may be a clever idea to start by searching on a reliable website such as National Credit Regulator (NCR) for a company with registered debt counsellors. Take the time to thoroughly research these companies before you sign up for their services, as there are a lot of scammers out in the marketplace. On the Hello Peter and Google reviews websites, you can read what past clients have said about their services.

Across both the Hellopeter and Google websites, Credit Salvage has received great reviews. By clicking the links above, you can read what our happy clients said about their experiences while being with us. Furthermore, we have been operating a debt review company for over a decade. 

Questions to Ask a Debt Counsellor.

In your initial debt review consultation, you will be the main subject of many questions. However, it is wise to go prepared with some questions you may have. It will not only help you gain insight into what is involved in the entire process, but it will also help you gain insight into the experience of the restructuring counsellor. Consumers who have become over-indebted and are meeting with a debt counselling firm for the first time should be prepared to ask the following questions:

  • How will your services benefit me? You need to find a company that offers a variety of workable solutions to deal with your financial challenges. Any reputable registered company should be able to provide several services to you, including dealing with collectors, setting up your budget, renegotiating most accounts, and educating you on how to manage your spending habits while staying committed to your new budget. 
  • Are you registered with the Nation Credit Regulator? ? Make sure you only deal with a registered company affiliated with NCR. It is necessary to obtain their NCR registration number if they claim to be registered. The registration number for debt counsellors always starts with NCRDC, followed by a couple of digits. Let us take our own NCR registration number as an example - NCRDC2338. With this registration number, you can easily access the NCR website, enter their registration information, and see if they are registered. You can use this website to check the status of an organization's accreditation and determine if the registration has been revoked or suspended.
  • Can you explain your fees in detail? In South Africa, financial relief services like this process, sequestration, and administration are not free. Per the National Credit Act, you have the right to an explanation of these fees upfront. Inquire about the charges associated with the service you are receiving and when the costs are due. Some restructuring fees may be deducted from your monthly payments, while others are paid upfront.
  • Does your contract make any provisions regarding how the terms of the agreement will be implemented? Anything you have been promised verbally in the session must be documented. Before you sign any document contract, ensure you understand everything contained therein.

Credit Salvage is a registered with the National Credit Regulator that can help you avoid a stressful monetary crisis by helping you manage your money more effectively. 

Is debt review the ideal process for me?

Debt review or debt counselling is not for everyone. If your debt counsellor determines that you are not overindebted, it is likely that you will not qualify for debt review. If the debt counsellor determines that your current debt situation will result in over-indebtedness in the near future, you may be eligible for this process. 

Therefore, it is essential to consider the following when applying for the debt review procedure.

  • You will have to cease using credit cards. 
  • There will be a debt review indicator on your credit report, and you will not generate credit scores.
  • You cannot apply for any future credit facilities. 

We have addressed most of the above elements, explaining why the benefits of debt review outweigh the negative aspects. This list will enable you to decide if the process is the right one for you. 

Whenever you are unsure whether the process is the right way to deal with your debts, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist you. 

It is important to note, however, that working with our company as your debt review provider of preference is a worthwhile option if the following conditions exist:

  • You are overcommitted with numerous credit providers to pay, and you struggle to pay for living expenses like food and electricity.
  • Your income is insufficient to afford the monthly repayments on outstanding debts for multiple accounts.
  • Currently, you are seeking information to help you better manage your finances.
  • Want to pay off all your accounts with lowered interest rates in a set timeframe.
  • Unless your current debt situation is unresolved, you have no interest in applying for new credit facilities. 
  • You are not ashamed of your over-indebtedness situation and are willing and committed to seeking help in getting it resolved. 

Benefits a debt counsellor can bring to your financial life.

  • The first benefit is the reduction of collection calls.
  • Tailor-made budgets and solutions to manage your creditors.
  • Provide you with legal protection from court proceedings.
  • Act as your legal representative in negotiations with your creditors.
  • Obtain a prolonged period to pay off your creditors.
  • The interest rates that you pay on all your accounts may decrease.
  • Reduction in the total amount of debt owed.
  • A better alternative than sequestration, administration, and liquidation.

For immediate debt relief, call our debt counsellor and debt review.

Often, all it takes is a brief conversation with someone who knows what they are doing. Developing a solid financial strategy can kick-start your entire personal finance strategy in repaying large outstanding and overdue credit agreements. Contacting us can help you start achieving whatever financial goal you may have. As a result, your goals might be to become debt-free, to ensure you can pay all your living expenses, and to fight over-indebtedness or any combination of the above.

We often hear from clients that they wish they had contacted us earlier for restructuring assistance. It is practically instantaneous for most people to feel a sense of great relief and peace of mind after speaking with us.

Regardless of the type of financial situation that one is in, our company with years of experience proved to be an invaluable resource to all South Africans. Whether you need tailored solutions for restructuring, repossession assistance, avoiding foreclosure or just an empathetic ear to listen, we are here to help you navigate the shortest and most cost-effective path toward a financially successful future.

By clicking here or tapping the picture directly below, you can apply for our professional debt review process online easily and securely. 

Easy online debt help application Credit Salvage

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