How to dispute incorrect information on your Credit Profile

How to dispute incorrect information on your Credit Profiles

In terms of the new national credit Act, you are entitled to dispute any inaccurate information held by a registered credit bureau.

Here's how you do it.

Step 1

Request a copy of your credit report from all the major credit bureaus or from another provider like Credit Salvage Corporation SA (Pty) Ltd Credit Clearance department. These are all typically accessible through the Internet.

Step 2

Go through your profile carefully and scrutinize your report thoroughly. Highlight all information you do not recognize or that appears to be incorrect.

Step 3

Call the credit bureau company reporting the information in question and request if you want to dispute the previously highlighted information. Supply the credit bureau with as much information as possible. The credit bureau will provide you with a reference number and in terms of legislation they have 20 working days to investigate

Step 4

Should the credit bureau not remove the information as per your request and you are unhappy with their explanation you may then take it further to the credit ombudsman.

Step 5

Request a copy of your credit report annually to keep on top of the situation.



  • Supply the credit bureau with as much information as possible and keep the reference number supplied from the credit bureau as the credit ombudsman will only investigate after you have consulted with the credit bureau in question.
  • Should you have any difficulties in disputing any incorrect information contact us and our Credit Clearance department will be happy to assist.

  • We specialise in Credit Clearance, ITC Clearance, Debt counselling and Debt review removals


Sources - Other good reads

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